Intercultural Communication and Education
DOI 10.55206/POSQ9529
Mariusz Boguszewski
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (UKSW), Poland
Abstract: In the age of globalization, English-language education at theological faculties in Poland is playing an increasingly important role, especially in the context of international academic cooperation and the integration of foreign students. This paper presents an analysis of English-language education at the Faculty of Theology of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (UKSW), taking into account the importance of English-language programs for the development of theology in an intercultural and interreligious context. The impact of these programs on the spiritual and academic training of students and on the promotion of intercultural dialogue is discussed. Special attention is paid to good teaching and organizational practices that facilitate the adaptation of international students and support their academic and spiritual development. The methodology encompasses descriptive methods, along with participant observation and external observation techniques. The article is both practical and methodological in nature, highlighting best practices within academic communities in Poland, particularly in the context of university education in English-language theology, and addressing the nuances of intercultural communication.
Keywords: English-language education, theology, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, UKSW, education in Poland, foreign students, interculturalism, interreligious dialogue, English-language programs.
Rhetoric and Communications Journal, issue 61, October 2024