Philosophy, Communication and Society
DOI 10.55206/OIJK5535
Nora Goleshevska
Institute for Creative Civil Strategies
Abstract: The analysis consists in a translational commentary on Giorgio Agamben’s essay “When the House Burns Down” (Quando la casa brucia). It outlines the context in which the text of the Italian philosopher can be read in terms of his own philosophy of language. The essay that appeared in the second stage of Agamben’s pandemic critique redirected the attention of the philosopher from the health crisis to the main topics of his tought and the role of the language of poetry and the language of philosophy in it. In addition, the reader will also find Agamben’s essay “When the House Burns“, translated from Italian into Bulgarian by the author of the translation commentary.
Keywords: philosophy of language, language of philosophy, language of poetry, metaphor, crisis.
Rhetoric and Communications Journal, issue 58, January 2024