Features of Non-verbal Communication in Presidential Election Debates in Bulgaria in 2016

Rhetoric and Argumentation

 DOI 10.55206/YTAT3958

Mariana Zlatanova

University of National and World Economy

E-mail: mariana_tsegrilovska@yahoo.com

Abstract::The performance of successful non-verbal communication in political and communication campaigns is necessary. The activities in election campaigns and in the television debates in particular are to be performed in several aspects: in macro-aspect the body language and the non-verbal communication is a process of creating a successful image for the needs of politics, business and social life, and it can be improved; in micro-aspect – through non-verbal communication as a new form of social distribution and inequality. The object of analysis is a television presidential candidates’ debate which took place in 2016. The goal is non-verbal communication codes used in the television debate to be outlined. The task is to identify the convincing impact of the non-verbal signs in the presidential election campaign. The hypothesis is that non-verbal communication combines with verbal communication and is an integral part of the preparation and implementation of the televised debates, of the pre-election rhetoric and contributes to persuading the television audience and to building the image and reputation of the presidential candidates. The methods applied are: theoretical review, media monitoring, case analysis through the perspective of verbal and non-verbal means.

Keywords: communication campaign, nonverbal behavior, presidential election, débat, body language.

Rhetoric and Communications Journal, issue 58, January 2024

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