Business Communications and Cultural Specifics in the Behavior of Generation Z –

Daniel Vasilev

University of Economics – Varna, Department “Management and Administration

Abstract: Nowadays recruitment is very competitive. Different companies publish their job ads online on a daily basis, using various channels and strategies. Using a marketing approach to recruitment allows segmentation and strategic targeting. Business communication has become an important tool for a successful recruitment campaign. Targeting the message to Generation Z requires knowledge of their “average Joe”. Using business communication tools as well as knowledge about cultural differences and dimensions and successful intercultural communication can guarantee relevant and suitable activities to involve capable representatives of Generation Z during the recruiting process. Creating the right message in the job advertisement can attract the best candidates. This article presents results from empirical research on what Generation Z finds attractive in a workplace. 282 people are interviewed using the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. The results show Generation Z values social service, creativity, the manager’s technical knowledge, authority and compensation. Using those factors as key words in the job advertisement can result in both attracting the right candidates and reducing recruitment costs. The research is done in a Bulgarian cultural environment.

Key words: business communications, advertisement message, recruiting, generation Z, values, work environment.

Rhetoric and Communications Journal, issue 52, July 2022

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