Siyka Chavdarova-Kostova
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of education
Abstract: The development of intercultural competence as a personal quality presupposes the inclusion of the communicative component in its various dimensions. This integration naturally finds expression in the term intercultural communicative competence, which has gained considerable popularity over the last two decades. Mastering a language, incl. as a foreign, should focus not only on its linguistic aspects, but also on the dimensions of culture through which the language manifests itself, reflected on the personal identity of its speakers in its quality as mother language. This should be presented in one form or another in textbooks for learning a language, especially a foreign one, insofar as the acquired information creates the preconditions for a better understanding of the culture expressed through it and more successful communication with its speakers. It is also extremely important to achieve a pragmatic orientation of the learning content, which can further motivate the acquisition of the “other” language in the context of the need for efficiency in everyday relationships.
Keywords: intercultural communicative competence, pedagogical, practical dimensions.
Rhetoric and Communications Journal, issue 52, July 2022