Globalisation, Arab and Lebanese Media

Media Communication

Maya Hajj Hassan

Bucharest University – Doctoral student


Abstract: The purpose of this article is to shed light on how globalisation has transformed Arab media in general and Lebanese media in specific and on the issues of identity facing the Arab world. The concept of globalization has not had its impact on enhancing perspectives towards women regarding employment opportunities and social role, yet it has, also, commodified women’s images in some ads as a means to grab consumers and surge the purchasing power with respect to this or that product. Thus, globalisation has some constructive and some other deconstructive consequences how society conceives gender roles in general and women’s in particular, mainly in the Arab region, where discussions of gender representations in ads have become an important topic among ad producers and scholars. The article also discusses how media and culture are interrelated, the development of media in Lebanon, spotting light on the Lebanese factor in Arab television and advertising along with the need for a better understanding of media since research in this regard has been neglected in a world ingested with television outlets, showing the formed symbiosis that is progressively evolving between television content and advertising. Accordingly, cultural enrichment and free political expression have had their impact on the non-creation of a national identity, overtly determined with re/identifying the social identity and role of genders and their future. The article presents a critical review of the results of analyses of announced results after research.

Keywords: globalisation, Lebanese media, Arab world, television, advertising, identity.

Rhetoric and Communications Journal, issue 47, April 2021

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