Public Communication and COVID-19
Mila Serafimova
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Abstract: The article analyzes the public communication related to COVID-19, focusing on the relations communication-political communication-coronavirus relations and the effective communication strategies in a global communication situation caused by the global pandemic. The time framework of the research is the period of March 2020 ‒ May 2021. The objectives are to clarify the specifics of the global communication situation caused by COVID-19 and to identify what strategies would lead to more effective communication in a pandemic situation. A secondary analysis of data presented in analyses of international organizations such as the World Health Organization, the European Association for Communication in Healthcare, the Edelman Trust Barometer, the Unified Information Portal in Bulgaria and others. A critical review of scientific publications and research results on the topic has been made. The specifics of public communication through the prism of public relations in the direction of crisis management in a pandemic situation have been studied. Conclusions are made and recommendations are formulated on how public communication can be improved in a situation of global health, social and economic crisis. The text has a practical-applied and methodological orientation and is at the level of establishing the importance of preparation and implementation of communication strategies.
Keywords: public communication, the global communication situation, COVID-19, pandemic, political campaigns.