Simeon Vassilev
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Abstract: The article presents the potential to rethink the role of the Internet and the assumptions formulated by the author is about its role as a mediator in the new information environment. In addition to the traditional print (the press) and audiovisual (radio and television) environment, the new reality is the Internet environment. One of the main consequences of this is that the structure of information has changed. Increasing skepticism on practical, theoretical and methodological levels has been accumulated around this assumption together with some optimistic forecasts. The reason for this is that the Internet has, among other things, created new opportunities for the media and for journalism. The meta-mediator, the Internet, is becoming the engine of media evolution, along with innovations and social processes. This Metamedium is the new mediator taking part in public relations as a commissioner, displacing the role of the media so far.
Keywords: media, metamedia, journalism, internet, social networks, information environment.