Abstract: Legal argumentation has been and still is a subject for research by different scientific fields (legal philosophy, legal logic, legal theory and so on). In scientific areas the nature of legal thinking is often determined as a thinking of formal logic. Hence legal justification and legal reasoning are considered as obeying hard deductive logic. However, the law as a system of rules is also a social phenomenon that is linked to the development of society. Undoubtedly contemporary multi-layered, interdisciplinary and multifactorial considerations and resolving of complicated technological, sociological and moral questions are approaches that could be used in researches of the nature of legal inferences. That’s why article’s contribution is the effort to show a similar unconventional method for analysing and evaluating legal argumentation, namely a method of multifactorial analysis along with some leading approaches in analysis and evaluation of legal argumentation.
Keywords: legal argumentation, plausible reasoning, pragmatic argument, evidence, argument schemes, multifactorial analysis.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 20, November 2015, rhetoric.bg/, journal.rhetoric.bg, ISSN 1314-4464
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