Neli Stefanova – New Rhetoric Forms for Winning an Electoral Consensus. The Rhetoric of “Five Stars Movement” by Beppe Grillo

Neli Stefanova - New Rhetoric Forms for Winning an Electoral Consensus. The Rhetoric of “Five Stars Movement” by Beppe Grillo  Abstract:The article focuses on media-political discourse and its current rhetoric appearing in the context of contemporary European politics. It presents new international methods for carrying out political propaganda and alternative rhetoric forms for wining an electoral consensus. Since it emerged in 2009 in Italy “Five Stars Movement” founded by Beppe Grillo is considered a precedent in leading pre-electoral political campaigns entirely through the social media and a paradigmatic case on its own of how this can be transformed into actual votes. The case described in the article shows the certain tendency towards establishment of a new “civil-virtual model” of political communication. The analysis outlines aspects of a new type of “Digital Democracy” which opposes the old-fashioned communication forms and stands against the existing traditional types of political representativeness.

Keywords: political communication, virtual rhetoric, “Five Stars Movement”, civil-virtual model, consensus, political blog.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 20, November 2015,,, ISSN 1314-4464

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