Ivan Tzvetanovic – The Listening Skills and Its Influence on Public Speaking Style in the Age of Mass Media

Ivan Tzvetanovic – The Listening Skills and Its Influence on Public Speaking Style in the Age of Mass Media Abstract: The change in communication technology in the last several decades has changed the form, the content and the style of public speaking. It means that the skills like critical thinking, audience analysis, preparation and organization are not sufficient enough to reach the modern audiences. The supstantional reason is that the mass media has a major influence on public and personal opinion and speaking skills. James Chesebro says that ‘’media exert an independent and profound influence upon the nature of reality apprehended by human beings and that speechmaking , like reading and writing generates  predominantly analytical, logical, sequential, and scientific modes of understanding , while electronic media generate predominantly synthesizing, holistic pattern-recognition and aesthetic modes’’.The model of thinking of a modern man is greatly shaped by mass media. The analysis of listening skills and its importance in creation a good speak making in the world of media dominance will be the major focus of this paper.

Keywords: style, public speaking, listening skills, information age

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 4, April 2012,  http://rhetoric.bg/, ISSN 1314-4464

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