Sonia Hinkova – The Foreign Policy – Rhetoric and Attitudes of the Remonstrates in Bulgaria in the Winter of 2013

Abstract: The represented article contains analysis of the foreign-political rhetoric and attitudes of the remonstrates in Bulgaria in the winter of 2013. Their essential characteristics are brought out. The rhetoric of the protest is defined as rhetoric of denial and self-closing because it legitimizes the confrontational attitudes of the remonstrates and shows the different way of speaking of their leaders. In the rhetoric of the street there is a replacement of terms as well as capsulation in the myth of the national body politics, which is represented with particular examples and quotations. In this rhetoric “citizens” is replaced by “people” and the foreign-political engagements of Bulgaria are qualified as “colonial slavery”. “Nostalgia” and hark-back to social stereotypes from another stage of the development of the Bulgarian society are “visible” in the attitudes of the remonstrates. These are transferred towards the foreign-political orientation of Bulgaria and deny the modern realities, in particular the membership in EU and NATO. An element of ideologization “creeps into” the rhetoric of the remonstrates which manifests in concrete terms and preferences towards exact countries (Russia, China). The article traces out a certain dynamic in the foreign-political rhetoric and attitudes of the remonstrates as well as it shows that they start as “anti-CEZ”, develop as anti-Czech and reach to anti-European.

Keywords: protests in Bulgaria, foreign-political rhetoric, foreign-political attitudes.

Rhetoric and Communications Е-Journal, Issue 10, October 2013,, ISSN 1314-4464


Read the original of the article (in Bulgarian)