Yanka Totseva – Pedagogical Approach towards Intercultural Communication

Abstract: The article is an attempt to bring out the pedagogical aspects of the issues related to intercultural communication. The difficulties in connection with the notions and terminology are analysed and the focus is on the main features of the intercultural communication. The different definitions of the term “intercultural communication” are presented and the author offers her own original definition. The term “intercultural communicative competence” is analysed from a pedagogical standpoint and the basic characteristics concerning the students are researched, too. The hypothesis is that they should improve this kind of competence during the process of schooling. A proposal for a model of intercultural communicative competence of the teacher is presented at the end of the article.

Key words: intercultural communication, cross-cultural communication, multicultural communication, intercultural dialogue, pedagogical approach.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 6, November 2012,  http://rhetoric.bg/, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the article (in Bulgarian)