Preparation for applying Q-methodology to studying young people’s subjective construction of European identity

Nikolina Tsvetkova

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”


Penka Hristova

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”


Abstract: The paper dwells on the issue of constructing young Bulgarians’ identification with the European Union. The authors present contemporary scientific ideas concerning the process of developing identities and in particular, that of developing European identity, paying specific attention to the role of socialisation. The applicability of Q-methodology to analysing the identification with the EU is discussed. Based on a survey conducted in 2015-2017, the steps taken in preparing for the implementation of Q-methodology in exploring the subjective construction of a European identity in young people, are presented. The specific focus is on analysing existing educational documentation.

Key words: European identity, socialisation, Q-methodology.

Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 36, September 2018,,, ISSN 1314-4464

Read the original of the text (in Bulgarian)