Hristina Sokolova
University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”
Abstract: The following paper discusses a proposition for the notion of success as a new cultural dimension. The main goal is to discuss whether “connected” and “linear” characteristics of success can be considered a new dimension of cultural variability in Bulgaria and Hungary. It can be speculated that such classification exists among more cultures but further research is necessary to support that. With regard to this, the paper presents the results of a 5-month pilot study on the notions of success in Bulgaria and Hungary which was conducted in the period of March – July 2015 with 395 Bulgarian and 110 Hungarian citizens aged 18 – 65. The empirical evidence collected by means of a free-word association experiment indicates that aspects of “linearity” and “connectivity” are present in both cultures’ notions of success. The main value of this study is that results could be used for developing approaches in recruitment for education and business, as well as in various problem-solving practices across cultures.
Keywords: success; intercultural communication; cultural orientations; linear culture; connected culture; values; Hungary; Bulgaria
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 33, March 2018,,, ISSN 1314-4464