Nikolay Dimitrov
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohrdidski”
Abstract: Schooling up to the age of 16 is compulsory in Bulgaria. Nevertheless a great deal of young Roma people refuse to get educated. One of the viewpoints focuses on the fact that they do not consider education a value. But pleading Roma culture and traditional mindset to the situation is an easy to use instrument and quite lucrative argument in the public discourse towards segregation processes of the minority. The problem with the inequality between minority and majority is often ignored. Instead of this an emphasis over the obligation of the minority to integrate and adopt the values of the majority is being set. The latter leads to supplementary marginalization of the Roma minority. One of the ways of overcoming and further avoiding such adverse social phenomenon is through providing flexible possibilities and appropriate policies aimed at actively including young Roma people into education and socialization.
Keywords: education, schools, Roma people, segregation, self-segregation, marginalization, inequality.
Rhetoric and Communications E-journal, Issue 28, May 2017,,, ISSN 1314-4464